Review: Why Leaders Lie–The Truth About Lying in International Politics

John J. Mearsheimer Cornerstone, Not the Whole Building January 2, 2011 By no stretch should this book be dismissed as a three. While I might normally have gone with a four, I am settling on five for balance and because the author not only covers an extraordinarily important topic in a sensible measured way, but …

Reference: Cyber-Intelligence–Restore the Republic Of, By, and For…

This week’s Book post, Infinite Wealth for All, set the stage for this week’s Politics post, which focuses on The New Craft of Cyber-Intelligence–a blending of advanced public intelligence and advanced Information Operations (IO). Let’s start with a great Mashable piece, 4 Predictions for the Future of Politics and Social Media, from which I have …

Journal: US Public Health InfoTech NOT….

Public Health Information Technology: Additional Strategic Planning Needed to Guide HHS’s Efforts to Establish Electronic Situational Awareness Capabilities GAO-11-99 December 17, 2010 A catastrophic public health event could threaten our national security and cause hundreds of thousands of casualties. Recognizing the need for efficient sharing of real-time information to help prevent devastating consequences of public …