Search: davies j-kurve

Spelling matters.  <davies j-curve> produces a number of hits, here is the top one: Search: davies j 1969 curve The core point made by Davies with his J-Curve is that people do not revolt when they are oppressed beyond belief; they revolt when they see the light at the end of the tunnel and then …

Pakistan Medical Resource Finder, Millions at Risk of Fatal Diseases This is a good idea/resource that needs a great deal of additional information and mobile SMS access. Thanks to those posting at the Ushahidi Twitter feed Related: + Epidemic advisory situation report + Crisis Commons Wiki on Pakistan Floods + Sahana Foundation Flood Response Resources + + Crisis mappers + Praecipio International | …

Journal: Over $1 trillion Wasted on Wars, Veterans and Families of Veterans Vocal Against Both Elective Wars

$1 trillion wasted on wars By KEVIN RAFFERTY Aug 4, 2010 Special to The Japan Times HONG KONG — The calculator busily counting out how much money the United States has spent on wars since 2001 has raced past $1 trillion — $1,024 billion plus at the start of August. There is little point in …

Search: information sharing graphic dod

Graphic: Four Quadrants J-2 High Cell SMS Low Graphic: OSINT Multinational Outreach Network Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Cube Graphic: Whole of Government Intelligence Graphic: President and Humanity Graphic: OSINT DOSC MDSC as Kernel for Global Grid to Meet Stabilization & Reconstruction as Well as Whole of Government Policy, Acquisition, and Operations Support Graphic: Regional Information-Sharing …