Worth a Look: Cathedral vs. Bazaar (structure-design & public outcomes)

The world is assembled along the lines of certain logics.  Human organisations are also outcomes of such logics. Some organisations are assembled following the logic of the “cathedral”.  Other organisations are assembled following the logic of the “bazaar”. Cathedrals are organised as military-inspired command hierarchies.  Superior humans give orders, which must be executed by subordinate …

Reference: EU’s Afghan Police Mission

Phi Beta Iota: NATO training of Afghan police a failure.  The inability of all NATO participants, not just the US participants, to understand the Afghan culture and train, equip, and organize accordingly, is the primary reason for the continued failure at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels.  Remarkably, the OSS.Net Afghanistan study is still in …

NO LABELS Fraud Reprise….Hypocrisy Round II Mike Bloomberg Fiddling While David Walker Burns Money and Loses Time?

No Labels to tackle hyper-partisanship, fiscal responsibility, election reform Ken Bingenheimer National Common Ground Examiner February 14th, 2011 1:28 pm ET After soliciting the thoughts of its members, the No Labels organization has settled upon three areas of focus for the group’s efforts: Policing partisan politics, promoting fiscal responsibility, and election reform. No Labels founding …