John Steiner: Occupy Meets the US Constitution

A real-life story illuminates the Occupy process (when it works), and the importance of educating everyone on the Constitution and how it is being violated today. October 29, 2011 SCHULZ GOES TO WALL STREET Gives The Constitution A Voice Direct Link to Online Source Full Text Below for Ease of Automated Translation  

John Robb: Darknet Creating Global Mesh Network

The Darknet Project: netroots activists dream of global mesh network By Ryan Paul A group of Internet activists gathered last week in an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel to begin planning an ambitious project—they hope to overcome electronic surveillance and censorship by creating a whole new Internet. The group, which coordinates its efforts through the …

Reference: The Privatization [Corruption] of Democracy – Honoring & Documenting the Work of Eva Waskell

I am honored that Eva Waskell has entrusted me to present The Privatization of Our Democracy, a work that I regard as her Profile in Courage. For 25 years she has labored to correct what is possibly the most significant public policy failure of the computer age—the privatization of vote counting carried out under the …

Mini-Me: Doug Naquin Lies to Associated Press + RECAP

Open Source Center created at suggestion of the 9/11 Commission? Really? AP Exclusive: Who’s following you on Twitter or Facebook? Maybe CIA’s ‘vengeful librarians’ By Associated Press, Friday, November 4 Phi Beta Iota:  Evidently AP does not do its homework and takes Doug Naquin’s crap at face value.  The Open Source Center was not created at …

Marcus Aurelius: Mexico City “C4I4” Surveillance Center

Mexico City Opens “C4I4″ Public-Surveillance Intelligence Center There are 13,000 surveillance cameras dispersed across this megalopolis, capturing everything in view, in real time and around the clock. The cameras peek at streets and people from the tops of light poles, inside buses and over subway platforms, watching in the name of public safety. The local …