Berto Jongman: New *Analog* AI Brain

The New A.I. Brain Has Arrived – And It’s Analog, Not Digital Australian scientists have for the first time developed an electronic long-term memory cell that mimics the work of a human brain. Researchers say the discovery is a step towards creating a bionic brain.

Owl: Paris 12 Murder False Flag? Update 2

Paris 12: Mossad False Flag with French Intelligence Complicity? Two items came out earlier to today showing involvement of French intel agencies and/or Mossad. This first item, produced by a former Jew and presently Orthodox Christian monk, of all things, provides astute observations on the attacks as originating from Mossad:

Owl: Will Elite Sacrifice Clinton (Pun Intended) to Focus Pedophilia Hunt on Him? – PBI Way Bigger than Monica Update 2

To paraphrase a line from a famous American novel, “The rich are different from you and me. They are practicing pederasts.” That’s what I think of in reading the articles below of the pederast scandal involving billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and the very rich and powerful people who may have used his pedo pimping services, as …

Owl: Manufactured Ebola Crisis — the Three Benefits for the 1% of a Biological 9/11

(Manufactured) Ebola Crisis is the Biological 9-11 for the Whole World – a Gift from the .01% Internet radio financial pundit Richard Martin recently stated: “”In 1915 there were 15 million horses in the US. By 1950, even though the human population had expanded exponentially, there were only 1 million horses, a result of the …