Marcus Aurelius: Nation Needs Leadership, Not Gimmicks

  From a relatively local yokel paper, among the best issue summaries I’ve seen.  From my foxhole in the Pentagon, things are bad now and appear to be getting worse fast. Fayetteville (NC) Observer July 19, 2013 Nation Needs Leadership, Not Gimmicks At Fort Bragg, a name almost synonymous with “readiness,” Congress is idly flirting with …

Marcus Aurelius: Hagel Sacrifices People Instead of Systems Waste

I attach two-day old SECDEF estimates for Congress of what will happen if sequester continues into next fiscal year.  Big idea:  emphasis on RIFs of military and civilian personnel in preference to furloughs of DoD civilians.   SECDEF doesn’t mention any specific numbers, but following would not surprise me: *Active Army military personnel:  RIF of 70K …

Marcus Aurelius: IBM Tries Something New – The Gist Mill

Worth a look. The Gist Mill – Strategic Social Media Analysis The ability to rapidly ingest, identify, monitor and exploit relationships, trends and collective thought evolving out of Internet-based social networks will be the most critical analytic capability requirement of the next decade.  The fact that these networks exist in plain sight, are vastly dense, …

Marcus Aurelius: NSA Rejecting All US Citizen FOIA Requests — While FISA Court, Which Has No Jurisdiction Domestically, Goes Stasi

Daily Kos: NSA Rejecting Every FOIA Request Made by U.S. Citizens NYT:  In Secret, Court Vastly Broadens Powers Of N.S.A. See Also: GCHQ Surveillance: The Power of Britain’s Data Vacuum Rickard Falkvinge: Sweden Works for NSA Which Works for Israel, Against Russia and Also Europe? Snowden Interview: NSA ‘In Bed Together with the Germans’

Marcus Aurelius: Blame Congress and Obama for Military Disarray — Never Mind Secretary of Defense and Four Dishonest Services…

This seems like a relatively simple question.  For different reasons, both POTUS and Congress apaprently seek to break the military.  POTUS’ view, arguably rooted in anticolonialism, focuses on reducing the US, to include the military, to the status of the Third World, while in Congressional (read:  Tea Party) minds, the military is the principal cash cow and thus acceptable/desirable …

Marcus Aurelius: Reserve C-130’s as Poster Child for Strategic Dishonesty

No Clipping These Wings By David Ignatius, July 5, 2013 For an illustration of why the federal government has become so unmanageable, consider the Air Force’s attempt last year to cut its budget by retiring unneeded warplanes. This sensible policy ran into a shredder — largely because of the political clout of the Air …