William K. Black Plus Randy Wray and Warren Mosler on Modern Money Theory for Public Purpose

William K. Black is a former Bank Regulator and expert on white collier crime especially control fraud you should. According to Bill Moyers, “The former Director of the Institute for Fraud Prevention now teaches Economics and Law at the University of Missouri, Kansas City. During the savings and loan crisis, it was Black who accused …

Chuck Spinney: George Hishmeh – Pope Francis Confronting Zion in Courageous Brilliant Manner

My new friend George Hishmeh has written a very interesting opinion piece for the Gulf News on the Pope’s upcoming visit to the holy land (attached beneath this introduction). Assuming George’s reporting is accurate, it is clear Pope Francis is raising the stakes by using something like a Motherhood and Mismatch (M&M) Strategy [1] to place …

Chuck Spinney: William Grieder on US Merchants of Death Profiteering on the Ukraine

‘Merchants of Death’ Could Make a Lot of Money Off a War in Ukraine William Greider, thenation.com, May 13, 2014 – 3:57 PM ET If you’re wondering why some US politicians are so hot for war in the Ukraine, think “merchants of death.” At the height of the antiwar movement, that was nasty label some …

John Robb: Russia in Crimea – A Hostile Energy Acquisition

Why is Russia going after the Crimea? It’s just a hostile acquisition As I’ve said for years, Russia is an energy company with all the trappings of nation-state — John McCain recently paraphrased me by calling Russia “a gas station masquerading as a country.” Everything Russia does militarily is aimed at expanding it’s energy interests.  From acquiring …