Mini-Me: CIA Bimbo Eruption or Hit Job with Vickers Replacing Patreaus? Photos Updated 14 Nov

Huh? “The harassing e-mails Broadwell sent to the woman [evidently from Patreus’s personal email account and computer] said things such as “I know what you did,” “back off” and “stay away from my guy,” a government official said.” “This is about something else entirely, and the truth will come out,” Broadwell’s dad, Paul Krantz, told …

20120707 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything 20120706 Open Source Everything Highlights Filmmaker to attempt year of Open Source Everything Open Source Life: How the open movement will change everything Open Source Like Open Source? For Collaboration, Try Group-Office 4.0 Mozilla Foundation and EFF join hunt for Syrian open source developer Q&A: Harris president Jim Traficant on the ‘genius’ …

Yoda: In with Flynn, Out with What? Can He Effect Change Clapper Could Not?

Military Intelligence Gadfly Will Lead All Military Intelligence Spencer Ackerman WIRED, April 17, 2012 One of the most disruptive men in the sprawling U.S. spy community, someone who turned the military’s elite killers into top spies, will likely soon be in charge of all military intelligence. The Pentagon on Tuesday nominated Army Lt. Gen. Michael …

Review (Guest): Conversations with Wall Street – The Inside Story of the Financial Armageddon & How To Prevent the Next One

Peter Ressler, Monika Mitchell 5 Stars Co-authors Peter Ressler and Monika Mitchell have been 20-year Wall Street insiders as partners in an executive search firm. Their book is a page-turning account of the 2007-8 meltdown and continuing unsolved issues that will inevitably lead to the next crises. Woven throughout their analysis are conversations with dozens …