NIGHTWATCH Extract: China – North Korea Law Enforcement…the Hybrid Model Advances

China-North Korea: China offered to help North Korea control cross-border crime and build law-enforcement forces, according to a report by Agence France-Presse on 12 August. A spokesman also said China provided military equipment to North Korea’s National Defense Commission during a visit by China’s Deputy Public Security Minister Liu Jing on 8 August. North Korea’s …

NIGHTWATCH Extracts: China-Fiji, China Carriers, Venezuela-Colombia Re-Set

Below the line: Full Extract on China-Fiji, Fiji as Potential Base of China in South Pacific Full Extract on China Carrier Force and Implications in Region Full Extract on Venezuela-Colombia Reconciliation Phi Beta Iota:  It’s a shame no one will fund NIGHTWATCH to do Global Coverage, because it is consistently more intelligent than all the …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Consulate Closed, Window Opens

Mexico: For the record. The United States closed its consulate in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez on Thursday pending a security review, according to The Associated Press. The US Embassy announced the consulate will “remain closed until the security review is completed.” Three additional paragraphs from this item deleted, can be seen at …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Dictators vs Iran in Middle East

Syria-Saudi Arabia-Lebanon: Syria and Saudi Arabia pledged to support efforts to stabilize Lebanon and preserve its security and unity, Reuters reported 29 July. A joint statement from Saudi King Abdullah and Syrian President Bashar al Asad also called for better inter-Arab relations, praised Turkey’s support for the Palestinians and called for the formation of a …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: US “Strategic Decrepitude” vis a vis South China Sea–US Navy goes wee wee wee, Hilary Clinton Does the Gerbil

China-US-South China Sea: The Chinese government reacted angrily on Monday to the announcement by US Secretary of State Clinton that Washington might step into a long-simmering territorial dispute between China and its smaller neighbors over sovereign rights to the South China Sea. Speaking Friday at a forum of Southeast Asian countries in Vietnam, Clinton apparently …

NIGHTWATCH Extracts: US Foreign Policy Confused

Koreas Comment: The White House statement presented the exercises in the context of routine behavior among Allies, timid and defensive. The Defense Department and UN Command statements indicated the exercises are pointed, aggressive and intended to be intimidating. The two statements neutralize each other because reassurance always trumps vigilance. Undermining both statements is the fact …