Mike Adams: #GoogleGestapo Will CENSOR YOU if You Criticize Illegal Aliens or Transgenders — What’s Next, Pedophilia?

Illegal aliens are the new “protected class” just like transgenders… any criticism of either group gets you de-platformed by fascist tech giants Ethan Huff Discussing the illegal nature of people who enter the United States without permission is an apparent trigger point for Twitter, which is now actively de-platforming groups like the Center for Immigration …

Robert Steele: Mormon Church Pedophilia Exposed? UPDATE 2

As Chief Counsel for the Judicial Commission of Inquiry I heard compelling testimony on pedophilia among Mormon leaders, during the London Seating. That video is below the fold. I take the below headline very seriously. In my view, the Mormon “Church”  as well as all other faiths, are just as culpable as the Catholic Church. …

Betty Boop: Alleged Pedophile Joe Biden — In Black Tie — Says “Dregs of Society” Support Donald Trump

Joe Biden: ‘Dregs of society’ support Donald Trump Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden assailed President Trump’s supporters during a speech Saturday at the annual Human Rights Campaign dinner in Washington, lamenting that “virulent people” and the “dregs of society” still had a friend in the White House. Comment, Videos, Links Below the Fold

Robert Steele: Something Wicked This Way Comes — Pedophilia Fake News False Flag Deep State Death Rattle

Something Wicked Comes This Way…By Election Day Censorship PURGE points to imminent false flag violence before mid-term elections… bigger than 9/11? Hats Off to State of the Nation and Mike Adams of Natural News  for two excellent summaries of how mainstream and social media fake news, the digital assassination of Alex Jones, Mike Adams and …

Berto Jongman: Did Israel Murder or Sell into Pedophilia Slavery Yemenite Children Who Entered Israel?

State told to release 300,000 unpublished files on missing Yemenite children Justice Minister Shaked orders police documents be produced; calls on two health and welfare organizations to publish any material they have Disputed by scholars and seemingly refuted by three state commissions that examined the affair and concluded that most of the children had died, …