Stephen E. Arnold: Informatica Data Catalogue an Amazon Play?

Informatica: A Play for Greater Relevance in an Amazon Chess Game? According to “Informatica Aims to Better Track Data Lineage with AI-Powered Data Catalog,” its AI-powered data catalog, called Catalog of Catalogs is notable because it is trying to track data lineage across ecosystems. Catalog of Catalogs includes metadata scanners for business intelligence, data warehouses, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Media Gets Open Source Growth, Misses Fencing of the Open Source Commons

Open Source: Big Company Point of View DarkCyber noted a quite good and meaty Slashdot write up called “CNBC Reports Open Source Software Has Essentially ‘Taken Over the World’”. What makes the information interesting is that a big media company reports that other big companies are definitely into open source software. The sources for the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Will Amazon Face an Open Source Anti-Trust Lawsuit?

Open Source: A Good to Be Exploited? Is Amazon Web Services taking undue advantage of open source software, or is it simply giving its users what they want (or perhaps both)? It seems to be a matter of perspective. ZDNet reports, “AWS Hits Back at Open-Source Software Critics: Claims that AWS is Strip-Mining Open-Source Software …