Evan Ellis: China Fills Vacuum in Latin America

In the article, just published by the University of Miami Center for Hemispheric Policy, as part of their “Perspectives on the Americas” series, I review the key promises and proposals associated with Chinese President Xis recent trip to Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Cuba, as well as their implications for the strategic position of the U.S. …

INTERVIEW: TheDailyBell Grills Robert Steele

Former CIA Spy Robert Steele Wants to Strangle Leviathan With ‘Open Source’ Governance With Anthony Wile TheDailyBell– June 29, 2014 The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Robert Steele SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/Bell-Rings-Steele

Robert Steele: Background Memorandum for LTG Mike Flynn – Open Source Intelligence Requires and Open Source Agency

DOC (2 Pages): open-source-intelligence-requires-an-open-source-agency Open Source Intelligence Requires an Open Source Agency What:  An Open Source Agency (OSA) is a legal, ethical intelligence-gathering and decision-support capability, relying exclusively on sources and methods that are open.  It is a support hub serving all elements of the federal government and the nation as a whole.  It is …

Nafeez Ahmed: Inclusive Capitalism an Empty Public Relations Campaign?

Inclusive Capitalism Initiative is Trojan Horse to quell coming global revolt Henry Jackson Society’s pre-emptive PR offensive seeks to popularise parasitic economic growth for the few Yesterday’s Conference on Inclusive Capitalism co-hosted by the City of London Corporation and EL Rothschild investment firm, brought together the people who control a third of the world’s liquid …

Worth a Look: Creating a Sustainable and Desireable Future

Creating a Sustainable and Desirable Future : Insights from 45 Global Thought Leaders Robert Costanza, Ida Kubiszewski (eds) The major challenge for the current generation of mankind is to develop a shared vision of a future that is both desirable to the vast majority of humanity and ecologically sustainable. Creating a Sustainable and Desirable Future …

4th Media: Latin America Chooses Russian Weapons Systems — De-Americanization Proceeds Apace

Latin America Chooses Russia-Made Weapons Nil Nikandrov Latin American experts know it well – Russia-made weapons are known for quality. Rosoboronexport (the state intermediary agency for Russia’s exports/imports of defense-related products, technologies and services) has rich experience of doing deals in the Western Hemisphere – from Mexico to Chile. Its efforts have not gone down …