Mongoose: Connecticut Discrepancies List (32+)

One of many lists of discrepancies with top-level commentary.  Troubling to say the least. Phi Beta Iota: We welcome Mongoose, a serving counterintelligence officer, to our number. Questions About the Connecticut School Shooting Dr. Kevin Barrett The Truth Seeker, December 17th, 2012 In my “quickie” article published less than an hour after the news broke …

DefDog: Modern Leadership as Self-Deception & Public Lies

Important enough to reproduce in full. 5GWTF: Calculation and Control Politics is mostly marketing, and power is mostly pursued by those who would abuse it. After centuries of highly consistent behavior patterns among elected officials, there is little point in getting angry about politicians, lying. This is a basic matter of tradecraft and daily routine, …

Penguin: Former UK Defense Minister Solves Porous Border Issue — Proposes to House of Lords Nuclear Contamination of Troublesome Border Areas

Former UK Defense Minister Suggests Dropping Thermonuclear Bombs on Afghanistan-Pakistan Border “I am absolutely delighted that nuclear weapons were invented…” he professed in his speech. AlterNet, November 28, 2012 Britain’s ex-minister of Defense Lord Gilbert, has suggested dropping neutron bombs along the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan in the name of deterring terrorism. Specifically, he …

Practical Reflections on United Nations Intelligence + UN RECAP

Updated 21 Dec 2012 1800 Short Persistent URL for This Post: DOCUMENT:  2012 Reflections on UN Intelligence 2.3 21 Dec 2012 I had occasion to look at the Report of the Secretary General on the Work of the Organization, and thought this would be a good time to integrate some of what I have …

Eagle: Rolling Jubillee People’s bailout: A social innovation you won’t have heard about before…

If this can actually be done, i.e. the Credit Bureau records wiped clean, this is a vast socio-economic revolution in the making. People’s bailout: A social innovation you won’t have heard about before… #peoplesbailout Occupy Wall Street. Remember them? Well, in that well worn cliched phrase: They haven’t gone away you know! One of the …