Berto Jongman: Who Owns the Gun Business in the USA? To What End? What Happens If All Gun Factories and Ammunition Factories Are Shut Down?

Sorcha Faal is a known fabricator with a gift for connecting sources that are worth studying. Obama Drug Cartel Moves To Destroy Jewish Gun Empire In US A shocking new Federal Security Services (FSB) report on the Obama regimes accelerated plan to disarm his countries citizens, claims that the US President is being supported in …

Owl: Open Season on Gun Advocates — Is There a Domestic Covert Action Program Underway that Includes Individual Assassinations and Staged Mass Murders?

Gun Makers on Obama’s “Red List”? According to some observers, several well-known manufactures of guns have died recently, and in one case, police declare the death a homicide. “John Noveske is one of the most celebrated battle rifle manufacturers in America. His rifles, found at are widely recognized as some of the finest pieces …

Michel Bauwens: Brazilian Alternative Economic Models Going Global

Community-Based Co-op Economy vs. the “A-Moral Capital Economy” Dave Pollard explains the difference between the two models: Most people have been brought up to believe that the competitive, grow-or-die, absentee-shareholder-owned, “free”-trade “market” economy is the only one that works, the only alternative to a socialist, government-run economy. This myth is perpetrated in business and other …

Tom Atlee: Sandy Hook Reflections on Social Madness & Healing

Dear friends, My friend and colleague Miki Kashtan has written a compelling article exploring the interconnectedness of personal, community and social dimensions of the Sandy Hook crisis,  “Adam Lanza and All of Us.”  I highly recommend the whole article, but for the purposes of this commentary, I want to highlight this excerpt: “I see violence, …

Marcus Aurelius: Hundreds of Ohio School Workers Want to Carry Guns

Similar spirit to Flight 93 on 9/11.  Federal Flight Deck Officer program could serve as a good model for training and standards.  A good Ohio legislature would clean up the laws and preclude lawsuits. Hundreds of Ohio school workers want to carry guns More than 450 teachers and other school employees from around Ohio have applied …