Patrick Meier: Filtering Tweets Real-Time for Crisis Response

Twitcident: Filtering Tweets in Real-Time for Crisis Response by Patrick Meier The most recent newcomer to the “tweetsourcing” space comes to us from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Twitcident is a web-based filtering system that extracts crisis information from Twitter in real-time to support emergency response efforts. Dutch emergency services have been testing the …

Patrick Meier: Crisis Mapping Syria – Automated Data Mining and Crowdsourced Human Intelligence

Crisis Mapping Syria: Automated Data Mining and Crowdsourced Human Intelligence The Syria Tracker Crisis Map is without doubt one of the most impressive crisis mapping projects yet. Launched just a few weeks after the protests began one year ago, the crisis map is spearheaded by a just handful of US-based Syrian activists have meticulously and …

Patrick Meier: Crisis Mapping Climate Change, Conflict, Aid in Africa

Crisis Mapping Climate Change, Conflict and Aid in Africa I recently gave a guest lecture at the University of Texas, Austin, and finally had the opportunity to catch up with my colleague Josh Busby who has been working on a promising crisis mapping project as part of the university’s Climate Change and African Political Stability Program (CCAPS). Josh and …

Patrick Meier: Mobile Technologies, Crisis Mapping, & Disaster Response

Mobile Technologies, Crisis Mapping & Disaster Response: My Talk at #WMC12 Many thanks to GSMA for their kind invitation to speak at the 2012 World Mobile Congress (WMC12) in Barcelona, Spain. GSMA is formally launching its Disaster Response Program at WMC12 with an inaugural working group. “The Disaster Response programme seeks to understand how mobile operators …

Review (Guest): World in Crisis – The End of the American Century

Gabriel Kolko 5.0 out of 5 stars Simplify, Simplify, Simplify,June 22, 2009< By Tracy McLellan (Chicago) – See all my reviews One could almost condense the whole of Kolko thought into a single sentence: “Political problems have political and social, not military solution.” He says this at least four or five times in the current …

Patrick Meier: Crisis Mapping Shows Henry Kissinger Wrong in Cambodia, Spatio-Historical Analysis Illuminated

How Crisis Mapping Proved Henry Kissinger Wrong in Cambodia Crisis Mapping can reveal insights on current crises as well as crises from decades ago. Take Dr. Jen Ziemke‘s dissertation research on crisis mapping the Angolan civil war, which revealed and explained patterns of violence against civilians. My colleague Dr. Taylor Owen recently shared with me his fascinating research, …