Patrick Meier: Crisis Tweets – Natural Language Processing to the Rescue?

Crisis Tweets: Natural Language Processing to the Rescue? My colleagues at the University of Colorado, Boulder, have been doing some very interesting applied research on automatically extracting “situational awareness” from tweets generated during crises. As is increasingly recognized by many in the humanitarian space, Twitter can at times be an important source of relevant information. The …

Patrick Meier: Towards a for Economic Resilience in a Crisis-Stricken World

Towards a for Economic Resilience in a Crisis-Stricken World So that’s what he’s been up to! My good friend and mentor Ken Banks of Kiwanja fame has just launched a very interesting initiative entitled “Means of Exchange“. Ken wants to democratize opportunities for radical economic self-sufficiency and thus render local communities more resilient to exogenous shocks. …

Event: 11-14 Oct DC International Crisis Mappers

International Conference of Crisis Mappers 11-14 October 2012 Washington, D.C. Learn more. Phi Beta Iota:  Free membership with online registration for the group as a whole (separate from conference).  We are all “crisis mappers.”  Recommended.

Michel Bauwens: Emergence, Crisis, Replacement

Emergence, Crisis, and Replacement of the Era of Decentralized Networks “Technology, and particularly communications technology, generates the conditions of possibility for changes in power structures. Daniel R. Headrick argues in The Tools of Empire that 19th century European imperialism, which at one point controlled three quarters of the surface of the Earth, only became possible …

Patrick Meier: Crisis Mapping End of Sudan’s Dictatorship?

Crisis Mapping the End of Sudan’s Dictatorship? Anyone following the twitter hashtag #SudanRevolts in recent days must be stunned by the shocking lack of coverage in the mainstream media. The protests have been escalating since June 17 when female students at the University of Khartoum began demonstrating against the regime’s austerity measures, which are increasing …

Patrick Meier: Geofeedia Next Generation Crisis Mapping Technology

My colleague Jeannine Lemaire from the Core Team of the Standby Volunteer Task Force (SBTF) recently pointed me to Geofeedia, which may very well be the next generation in crisis mapping technology. So I spent over an hour talking with GeoFeedia’s CEO, Phil Harris, to learn more about the platform and discuss potential applications for …

Josh Kilbourn: “We Are About To Have Another 2008-Style Crisis”

Chris Martenson: “We Are About To Have Another 2008-Style Crisis” EXTRACT: There really is no choice for Greece but to leave the euro, and the sooner, the better. Even then, there is a lot of hardship coming their way. But in my estimation, that’s better than the imposed austerity that is a guaranteed torture chamber. …