Paul Craig Roberts: Power of Israel Lobby Unrivaled – Ultimate Goal: Police States, Criminalization of Criticism of Zionist Genocidal Apartheid State of Israel, and Full Censorship

The Power of the Israel Lobby Is Unrivaled Zionists openly brag about the power of the Israel Lobby, but others who mention the lobby’s power are branded as anti-Semites. We are supposed to accept the lobby’s power but never complain about it. . . . Once the Israel Lobby succeeds in its global campaign to …

Mongoose: Directory of Israel Lobby Elements in the US

Only the US Chamber of Commerce appears to outspend AIPAC and AIPAC agents. Where AIPAC is unique is in managing thousands — perhaps up to 20,000 — “non-profits” and other front organizations that donate, lobby, and intimidate on command. Introduction to the Israel Lobby The Israel lobby is one of the most powerful and pervasive …

Gordon Duff: New Zealand False Flag by Zionist Israel with Police & Freemason Complicity UPDATE 10: Christchurch, the Former Islamic Minister: “Mossad Behind Shootings”

SHORT URL: Intel Drop: Shooting Real, Shooter Fake, Jewish Born Freemason like Brevik All done, according to the “manifesto” in the name of “Donald Trump” and, if one were to read between the lines, the now pseudo-legally designated “Jewish Only” State of Israel odd modifications, no flash suppressor, strange stock, none of which is …

Mongoose: Pompeo, Bolton Are Traitors, Derailing North Korea Nuclear Talks on Orders from Zionist Genocidal Apartheid Israel, ENOUGH

These two individuals should be fired and their clearances stripped. They are both agents of a foreign power, Zionist genocidal apartheid Israel. Pompeo, Bolton deny derailing North Korea nuclear talks after regime threatens to restart nuclear, missile testing Phi Beta Iota: We join all who pray for our President in his  time of trial. May …

Koko: 5G is Part of Sterlizing the Goyim — Not Allowed in Israel

Alert Reader writes in: Smart meters and mandatory vaccinations/pesticides are the “Final Solution” to the cattle goyim…especially the white anglo saxon protestants! 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G use between 1 to 5 gigahertz frequency. 5G uses between 24 to 90 gigahertz frequency. Within the RF Radiation portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the higher the frequency …

Caitlin Johnstone: Israel Lobby Refutes Omar’s Claims About Its Immense Influence By Exerting Its Immense Influence

Israel Lobby Refutes Omar’s Claims About Its Immense Influence By Exerting Its Immense Influence Omar’s comments have nothing to do with Jews, Judaism or Jewishness, but with the geopolitical entanglements between the US and a nation which currently serves as an outpost for US military agendas in the Middle East. It’s a basic, unassailable fact …