Phil Giraldi: The Anti-Semitism Scam to Censor Anti-Zionism

The Growing Anti-Semitism Scam “An anti-Semite used to mean a man who hated Jews. Now it means a man who is hated by Jews.”– Joe Sobran The Israelis and, to be sure, many diaspora Jews know exactly how the expression has been weaponized. Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni explained how it is done “Anti-Semitic”…”its a …

Mongoose: Is Chabad a Criminal Organization? $100,000 to Any Jewish Rabbi That Will Assert that Chabad is Jewish?

Does Chabad engage in racketeering activity? A racket is an illegal business, usually run as part of organized crime. Engaging in a racket is called racketeering. Racketeering activity means, among other things, any acts of kidnapping, robbery, bribery, extortion, counterfeiting, theft, fraud, obstruction of justice, embezzlement of funds, bankruptcy or securities fraud, money laundering and …