Owl: WWIII? Strong Signals Emergent UPDATE 3 Ukraine Death Wish?

This author has been pretty good over the many months I have been reading his site. He admits to not being able to confirm events. Combine this with China devaluing its currency, the vulnerability of the US to power black-outs, forest fires, water disasters such as the recent gold mine poisoning, and you have the …

Owl: West Point Summary of Elite Evils

A Conspiracy Synthesis West Point graduate and former Army officer Joachim Hagopian provides a lengthy synthesis of most major or significant US government/global elitist-promulgated initiatives, actions and plans occurring in the last few years, including ISIS, the Chattanooga shootings, the Paris Charlie Hebdo attacks, the Boston and Charleston attacks and many other false flags, TPP, …

Owl: Was Chattanooga a Large False Flag Stymied by Unwitting Shooters?

Was Chattanooga a Large False Flag Stymied by Unwitting Shooters? According to Navy sources in contact with blogger Allen West, Lt. Cmdr Timothy White, a Naval officer who exchanged gun fire with a shooter who killed five service members in Chattanooga, Tenn., will be charged by the Navy for illegally discharging a firearm on federal …

Howard Rheingold: Networked Knowledge & Combinatorial Creativity

This beautiful meditation on the networked nature of knowledge and collaboration turns on the fulcrum of attention to information. Networked Knowledge and Combinatorial Creativity How we choose to pay attention, and relate to information and each other shapes who we become, shapes our creative destiny and, in turn, shapes our experience of the world. And, …

Antechinus: EU Blocks Library Access to Knowledge — Refuses to Be Serious About Copyright Reform

EU blocks progress on international copyright reform for libraries (again) Once again, the European Union (EU) has blocked progress at the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) Standing Committee on Copyright & Related Rights (SCCR) that met in Geneva from 29 June-3 July 2015. And this time, the EU is more isolated. The Committee is discussing copyright …