Owl: Who Is Behind Hoards Invading Europe? Weapons of Mass Migration — George Soros Shorting Europe and Betting on Collapse?

It’s complicated — but we do not seem to be probing deeply enough into root patterns. Analyst Al Martin says Soros’ is shorting all of his investments in Europe, so he wants to become richer by helping bring about financial collapse in urging more refugees into Europe. Remaking a Country by Destabilising a Country This …

Owl: Massive Radiation Spike Across USA — and EPA Shuts Down Radiation Detectors

7 NOV Unacknowledged Radiation Event Across Upper Midwest “(San Francisco) Nov 7, 2015 – An unacknowledged nuclear event swept through the Upper Midwest in the United States in September 2015. No terrorist organization, nuclear capable corporation, government agency or organized military has taken credit for the event. In a nutshell, here’s what happened: A powerful …

Owl: Obama Sends SOF to Syria — As Targets

Ghost War in Syria: Russian Spetsnaz Facing U.S. Army Special Forces: “There Is Bound to Be Shooting” Key takeaway: ” Now here’s an excerpt from the UK Daily Mail that clearly shows the stage is being set for the upcoming Ghost War between Spetsnaz and the U.S. Army Special Forces, as such:

Yoda: Indigenous Knowledge Systems

Indigenous Knowledge Systems / Alaska Native Ways of Knowing “While western science and educastion tend to emphasize compartmentalized knowledge which is often de-contextualized and taugh in the detached setting of a classroom or laboratory, indigenous people have traditionally acquired their knowledge through direct experience in the natural world. For them, the particulars come to be …

Owl: Chinese Aircraft Carrier in Syria? UPDATE 1 Debka Lies…

Aircraft come in November. A Chinese aircraft carrier docks at Tartus to support Russian-Iranian military buildup Chinese warplanes to join Russian air strikes in Syria. Russia gains Iraqi air base UPDATE 1: Debka lies… No one can find the carrier, no photo of it anywhere near Syria. Chinese naval expert denies PLA joining fight against …