NIGHTWATCH: Financial Crisis Now a Crisis of Fundamentals

Europe:  Updates. In an interview with a French daily on 25 December, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde stressed that Europe’s financial crisis is turning into “a crisis of confidence in public debt and the solidity of the financial system. Greece: According to an IMF source involved in discussions with Greece, the situation in …

John Steiner: Matt Taibbi with Xmas Message from the Rich

A Christmas Message From America’s Rich Matt Taibbi Rolling Stone, 22 December 2011 It seems America’s bankers are tired of all the abuse. They’ve decided to speak out. True, they’re doing it from behind the ropeline, in front of friendly crowds at industry conferences and country clubs, meaning they don’t have to look the rest …

Gary North: Ron Paul EXPOSED — Real Reason Two-Party Tyranny is Terrified He Might Win in 2012

Ron Paul’s Inaugural Address, Written by His First (and Only) Speechwriter Gary North Dec. 21, 2011 In June of 1976, I was Ron Paul’s speechwriter. Shortly after I joined his staff as his newsletter writer and economic analyst, I recommended that he do what I had been doing for a year: buy a Code-A-Phone telephone …

Mini-Me: Hillary to Challenge Obama in 2012 — As Long Planned

HILLARY CLINTON WILL CHALLENGE OBAMA IN 2012! Frank Lake Weekly World News, December 21st, 2011 WASHINGTON, DC –  Sources close to Hillary Clinton say  she will announce her run for President in 2012. Hillary Clinton came to WWN Headquarters and told editors that she is livid about the downgrade of the U.S. Credit Rating.  “I’ve stood …