Reference: CRS 2010 Intelligence Issues for Congress

Tip of the Hat to Gary Price at LinkedIn. Phi Beta Iota: This is of passing interest as an overview of what people are thinking about at the shallowest possible level in relation to the Wall Street/Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex (MICC). STRIKE ONE: The document still does not understand that overt Human Intelligence (HUMINT) is 90% of …

Reference: Saving Defense from Itself

Weekend Edition November 19 – 21, 2010 Open Letter to Erskine Bowles How to Cut the Defense Budget By THOMAS CHRISTIE, PIERRE SPREY, FRANKLIN SPINNEY et al. Counterpunch The Honorable Erskine Bowles National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform 1650 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20504 Dear Mr. Bowles: We are writing to you and …

Journal: Afghanistan Winds Down

Its over: US NATO formally announcing ‘transition’ to Afghan withdrawal Pakistan Patriot Posted on 14 November 2010 The Obama administration and its NATO allies will declare late this week that the war in Afghanistan has made sufficient progress to begin turning security control over to its government by spring, months before the administration’s July deadline …

Reference: Israel False Flag Attacks on US Back to 1960′s–Fast Forward to USS Liberty, USS Cole, 9/11 and–oh yes, the package bombs…..

Israeli False Flag Attack on U.S. Motivated 1963 Senate Investigations – Newly Declassified Files WASHINGTON, Nov. 9, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Fears of false flag and foreign funded covert operations designed to influence U.S. policy drove the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to launch exhaustive investigations and call for warranted enforcement of the Foreign Agents Registration Act …

Reference: How Voters Can UNRIG the Two-Party Shell Game

How Voters Can Unrig the 2012 Elections with Transpartisan Voting Blocs and Electoral Coalitions Voters did not get what they said they wanted from the 2010 elections. In fact, they got the opposite because the two major parties rigged the elections. The parties have been rigging elections for decades by gerrymandering election districts and passing …