Reference: Saniteer

T-shirt at the Restore Sanity rally… “Saniteer: One who advocates for, practices and defends rational discourse and civility towards all people, regardless of political views. Collectively, our nation’s best hope for restoring honor, respect and functionality. D.C. 10.30.10″ Tip of the Hat to Sandy Heierbacher at LinkedIn. Phi Beta Iota: Sanity and civility are nice, …

Journal: Technology Can Save Feds $1T in 10 Years

By GreenerComputing Staff at Greener World Media Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:00am EDT Throughout this highly charged election season, government spending and the federal deficit have been a linchpin of political arguments. At the same time, a gridlocked Congress means that very little has been accomplished despite all the debate. But a report published earlier …