Paul Craig Roberts: The Real Crisis is Not the Government Shutdown, But Rather the Lack of Intelligence with Integrity Across US Society

The Real Crisis Is Not The Government Shutdown The inability of the media and politicians to focus on the real issues never ceases to amaze. The real crisis is not the “debt ceiling crisis.” The government shutdown is merely a result of the Republicans using the debt limit ceiling to attempt to block the implementation …

Marcus Aurelius: SOF O-6 Sends – A World Where No One Listens to America

All following appears consistent with Dinesh DiSousa’s books and the film that came from them, “2016:  Obama’s America,” which assert that POTUS is a rampant anticolonialist whose principal objective is to reduce America to the status of a Third World nation rather than to facilitate the nations of the Third World to achieving levels of …

NATO Watch: UK NATO Summit in 2014 to ‘lock in’ commitments on Afghanistan, burden-sharing and Smart Defence

UK NATO Summit in 2014 to ‘lock in’ commitments on Afghanistan, burden-sharing and Smart Defence By Nigel Chamberlain, NATO Watch 2 October 2013 Promoting a more transparent and accountable NATO Announcing that Britain will host the special NATO Summit in 2014 to coincide with the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Prime Minister David Cameron said on …

Marcus Aurelius: N.S.A. Gathers Data On Social Connections Of U.S. Citizens

New York Times September 29, 2013 Pg. 1 N.S.A. Gathers Data On Social Connections Of U.S. Citizens By James Risen and Laura Poitras WASHINGTON — Since 2010, the National Security Agency has been exploiting its huge collections of data to create sophisticated graphs of some Americans’ social connections that can identify their associates, their locations …