Chuck Spinney: Andrew Bacevich on David Brooks of the NYT “Always Wrong”

This superb piece by Andrew Bacevich (Colonel US Army Ret.) is one the best portraits of what is wrong with self-important warmongering commentariat in the mainstream media: Track records count for nothing in the cozy salons of Versailles on the Potomac. SUNDAY, SEP 15, 2013 3:30 PM UTC David Brooks is constantly wrong Takes a …

Berto Jongman: A Violent Non-State Actors Reading List

A Violent Non-State Actors Reading List SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 BY DAVEED GARTENSTEIN-ROSS 1 COMMENT In the introduction to her edited volume Violent Non-State Actors in World Politics, Klejda Mulaj notes that, while political science scholarship has extensively examined non-state actors (most notably those whose activities are primarily economic), violent non-state actors (VNSAs) “have only recently received sustained interest amongst academic and policy circles.” …

Berto Jongman: Daniel Castro on Internet of Things and New Thinking on Data

The “Internet of Things” Requires New Thinking on Data In the world of tech where buzzwords come and go faster than you can say “synergy”, the “Internet of Things” is a bit of an oddity. It is an old concept (first coined in 1999) used to describe a futuristic world where everyday objects—from toasters to …

Berto Jongman Et Al: Syria Round-Up 5.1

Berto Jongman: CIA Fabrication of Evidence Berto Jongman: Critical Analysis of Obama Speech on Syria Berto Jongman: Expert Views on Russian Proposal Berto Jongman: Hearing on US Domestic Implications of Syria Confrontation Berto Jongman: Israeli Bio-Chemical Program and Capabilities Berto Jongman: Porter on Cherrypicking Intelligence Berto Jongman: Rebels and Chemical Weapons in Syria Berto Jongman: Syria …

Marcus Aurelius: Collapse of American Influence Recalls Dis-Integration of Soviet Union, Fall of France

Collapse of American Influence Recalls Dis-Integration of Soviet Union, Fall of France By CONRAD BLACK | September 7, 2013 Not since the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, and prior to that the fall of France in 1940, has there been so swift an erosion of the world influence of a Great Power as …

Wayne Madsen: American Generals Stand between War and Peace — John Brennan to Hang, Obama to Face Impeachment Over Benghazi?

American Generals Stand between War and Peace The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States, General Martin Dempsey, backed by his Joint Staff generals and admirals, stood between a hasty and knee-jerk President Obama who was intent on launching a military attack on Syria and a tenuous peace in the Middle …