Worth a Look: Science Daily

Sample Articles: Brain’s Journey from Early Internet to Modern-Day Fiber Optics: Computer Program Shows How Brain’s Complex Fiber Tracks Mature Physicists Develop a Quantum Interface Between Light and Atoms Science struggling to track destruction of nature Tip of the Hat toLynn Wheeler at LinkedIn.

Worth a Look: National Dialog & Deliberation Resources

What are the web sites for meeting facilitators to learn about best practices and new resources? Well the NCDD site of course! Our main blog (www.thataway.org) keeps people updated on news & opportunities in dialogue, deliberation, public engagement, facilitation, etc. And our resource center (www.ncdd.org/rc) provides info about over 2500 resources (guidebooks, videos, articles, etc.). …

Greg Palast, Big Oil, & PBS (Petroleum Broadcast System)

The Petroleum Broadcast System Owes Us an Apology by Greg Palast for Truthout/Buzzflash Wednesday, October 27, 2010 Tonight, my dog Pluto and I watched the PBS ‘Frontline’ investigation of BP, “The Spill.” PBS has uncovered a real shocker:  BP neglected safety! Well, no shit, Sherlock! Pluto rolled over on the rug and looked at me as if to say, Don’t we …

Journal: Military Pay and Benefits–Three Solutions

As I See It — Fighting the Budget Shrug 2010/10/15 By Col. Steve Strobridge, USAF-Ret. A recent article in Christian Science Monitor on military health care costs identified, in microcosm, the battle we face in the coming years in defending the military community’s sunk investment in its future. After citing all DoD’s arguments that it’s …