Tom Atlee: Emerging EcoNomics #4: Community revolution growing with food

  Emerging EcoNomics #4: Community revolution growing with food Dear friends, The remarkable article below speaks for itself and, since it is long, I won’t add much except strong encouragement for you to read it and a note that you can productively and enjoyably jump around in it (as I did) if you’d rather not …

Mati Nissani: Strategic Lessons from the Rand Paul Fiasco

Strategic Lessons from the Rand Paul Fiasco “Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement.”—Lenin  …by  Moti Nissani, Ph.D. Prof. Emeritus, Wayne State University Rand Paul Summary: For many years, the liberty movement’s aspirations and actions have been focused on the presidential candidacy of Congressman Ron Paul. In Early June, this strategy backfired, following …

Ron Powell with Michael Saylor: The Impact of the Mobile Wave

The Impact of the Mobile Wave: A Spotlight Q&A with Michael Saylor of MicroStrategy This BeyeNETWORK Spotlight features Ron Powell’s interview with Michael Saylor, Chairman of the Board, President and CEO of MicroStrategy, and author of the recently released book, The Mobile Wave. Ron and Michael discuss the changes we will experience – and benefit …

David Swanson: Turkish Court Indicts Senior Israeli Military Officials in Murders on Gaza Flotilla

Turkish Court Indicts Senior Israeli Military Officials in Murders on Gaza Flotilla On the Second Anniversary of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, Turkish Court Indicts Senior Israeli Military Officials in Murders of Nine Passengers By Ann Wright Two years ago I was a passenger on the first Gaza Freedom Flotilla which was sailing to break the …

Winslow Wheeler: The F-22, Toxic Stealth, Secrets Screw Sick…

Dina Rasor and Pierre Sprey have collaborated on an important and informative piece on the F-22.  It expands the publically available thinking about the nature of the toxicity problem facing F-22 pilots, and–just as importantly–it probes the nature of one of the prime suspects for the problem: the F-22’s “stealth” coating.  Note at the end of …