Sepp Hasslberger: New ‘terahertz’ scanner lets mobile phones see through walls

This opens up vast possibilities of consumer-accessible imaging technologies that are less damaging than x-rays. Imagine your tricorder decked out with a terahertz chip… New ‘terahertz’ scanner lets mobile phones see through walls “A hi-tech chip allows a phone to ‘see through’ walls, wood and plastics – and (although the researchers are coy about this) …

Berto Jongman: Deena Metzger– Seeing through Indigenous Eyes, Weaving Community Dreams, Stories and Spirit

Indigenous “intelligence” appears to be making a comeback in public consciousness. Deena Metzger– Seeing through Indigenous Eyes, Weaving Community Dreams, Stories and Spirit Deena Metzger’s Bio Deena Metzger  is a poet, novelist, essayist, storyteller, teacher, healer and medicine woman who has taught and counseled for over forty years, in the process of which she has …

David Brin: Solar cells thinner than a thread of spider silk

Solar cells thinner than a thread of spider silk created by scientists Solar cells thinner than a thread of spider silk and so flexible they can be wrapped around a single human hair have been created by scientists. By Danielle Demetriou, Tokyo The Telegraph, 09 Apr 2012 The ultra-thin film consists of electrodes on a …

Review: Ecological Intelligence – The Hidden Impacts of What We Buy

Daniel Goleman Relevance, Content, Price–Solid Five,December 29, 2011 I chose this book over Ecological Intelligence: Rediscovering Ourselves in Nature and seeing the author’s note about this other book “by a physician, Jungian analyst, and poet” am certain I made the right choice. The author’s “big idea” is called “Radical Transparency,” what the rest of us …

Mini-Me: Vaclav Havel – Reflections on Dissent & Democracy

Vaclav Havel personified the “power of the powerless.”  He understood — as John Paul II understood – the value of integrity, the value of truth.  The second paragraph in the article below is all too eerily suggestive of the USA in an era characterized by weapons of mass deception, unlawful indefinite detention, warrantless surveillance, and …