Unz Review: DHS Funding Programs to Eradicate Patriot Communications

The Department of Homeland Security Is Paying Deranged Leftists to Find A Way to Make You Change Your Political Beliefs Fresh off a summer of prolonged murder and arson organized by leftists, the Department of Homeland Security announced the lucky winners of its “domestic terrorism prevention” grant system last September. One recipient program is at …

Unz Review: “Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance”: the Anti-Defamation League’s Latest Attempt to Increase Jewish Influence Over the Black Community

“Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance”: the Anti-Defamation League’s Latest Attempt to Increase Jewish Influence Over the Black Community On February 1st, a new organization called the “Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance” announced its existence to the world. Their press release, timed to coincide with the first day of black history month, states that Jews are equally as oppressed as …

Paul Craig Roberts: US Federal Appeals Court Says Fuck Israel, Boycotts are Constitutional

US Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down Law Protecting Israel From Boycotting The Israel Lobby spent a lot of money to get corrupt legislatures in 32 states to protect Israel from being boycotted. The laws are in violation of the First Amendment and are being struck down. The Lobby’s other shield that protects Israel’s theft of …

Steven Vervaecke: Wall Street Controlled Demolition Part 2

The wallstreetboys reddit gamestop saga has been interesting. But the next chapter will be far more interesting. The elite have striken back very agressive after being taken in total surprise. the robin hood app have forced all the gamestop traders to sell their shares instead of holding it. with some futher manipulation the elite where …