Michel Bauwens: Peer-to-peer production and the coming of the commons | Red Pepper

Peer-to-peer production and the coming of the commons | Red Pepper Michel Bauwens examines how collaborative, commons-based production is emerging to challenge capitalism. Below, Hilary Wainwright responds Capitalism in its present form is facing limits, especially resource limits, and in spite of the rapid growth of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) …

Reflections on Data as the New Oil BUT No One Is Serious About Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, Machine or Man-Machine Translation, or M4IS2

It is fashionable now to talk about data as the new oil (or dirt), and to proclaim breathlessly that the ever-increasing masses of data allow for ever more wonderous things to be done including my personal favorite, situational awareness. However, no one is yet serious about holistic analytics (which also implies a holistic collection management …

By the Case: The Open Source Everything Manifesto

Random House Special Markets is welcoming inquiries about purchasing this book by the case.  They only handle books being purchased to be given away, they do not handle books intended to be resold.  44 books per case, 45% per case is the standard discount. Director, Premium Sales: 1-212-572-2329 General Inquiry: 1-800-800-3246 Idea for Individuals:  Get …

Robert Steele: Beyond the Internet of Things Lies the Internet of Open Costs and Open Source Everything — the Panarchic Internet

I’ve known Dr. Vint Cerf since 1992, and it is with enormous regard for him personally — and the culture of sharing and shared decision-making that he and other Internet pioneers fostered — that I take note of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) and the fact that it now makes possible the Internet of Things. …