Jim Dean: Israel as an Existential Threat to Everyone Else — And Another Reason to Flush the US Congress in 2014

Syria Regime Change – Blowback on Steroids Jim Dean with Franklin Lamb Veterans Today, 7 June 2013 Franklin Lamb has the best piece below that I have seen on the Jewish/Israeli Lobby panic at the disaster which their anticipated slowly roasting regime change for Syria has been. But Frank either skipped or ran out of …

Berto Jongman: Scientists Decide to Create Replacement Human, Ignore High-Level Threats to Humanity

Blind science?  Or unethical science? 2045: A New Era for Humanity Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technologies, 4 June 2013 In February of 2012 the first Global Future 2045 Congress was held in Moscow. There, over 50 world leading scientists from multiple disciplines met to develop a strategy for the future development of humankind. One …

Berto Jongman: NASA Raises Threat Level on Space Storms — Could Black Out US East Coast from 16 Days to 2 Years — They Neglect to Mention Option That Avoids All Damage

Space Storm Could Black Out US East Coast for Two Years – Expert WASHINGTON, June 4 (by Karin Zeitvogel for RIA Novosti) – Severe space “weather” can knock out satellite communications and GPS systems, expose space tourists and astronauts to dangerous levels of radiation, and even cause massive blackouts on Earth that could last up …

Rickard Falkvinge: Is Bitcoin a Threat to US National Security?

Can Bitcoin Bring Down (What’s Left Of) the US Economy? Swarm Economy:  Bitcoin represents a significant threat to the currency domination of the USA, which is the only thing propping up the nation’s status as a worldwide superpower. Following the USA’s defaulting on all its international loans on August 15, 1971, the US trade balance …

Berto Jongman: Lord Martin Rees on New Technological Threats — Heaven Forbid, Elites Are Losing Power to the Public and Individuals

Lord Martin Rees on New Technological Threats By Benjamin Wittes Lawfare, Thursday, April 18, 2013 In this short video, Lord Martin Rees—the British astrophysicist and cosmologist–gives a brief and elegant statement of the problem Gabriella Blum and I have been writing a book about: the dissemination of radically-empowering technologies to small groups and individuals. Highly …

Berto Jongman: Red Flag – Threat to Obama, Biden as President?

By selectively picking information from news items Sorcha Faal (David Booth) develops a new conspiracy story Obama Warned Is “True Target” Of Boston Massacre Read wild story with links. Phi Beta Iota:  Obama has done nothing to disappoint Wall Street.  His assassination would be high theater that could be played out for months, but nothing …

Search: intelligence threat matrix

This is the newest depiction of the threat matrix (threats versus policies with demographics as third dimension). This is the original threat matrix from the early 19990’s. See Also: 21st Century Intelligence