Sepp Hassberger: Center for Disease Control (CDC) Untruthful, A Threat to Public Safety

CDC Claim of No Autism-Vaccine Link Based on Junk Science The CDC has produced junk science that demonstrates absolutely nothing, but claims it shows no connection between autism and the vaccine schedule. It’s now spinning it as if it proves that there’s no link between the modern day nightmare of autism and the vaccines that …

NIGHTWATCH Plus: North Korea — US B-52 Follies, NK Threatens US Bases in Pacific, Crashes SK Networks

B-52’s & NK Counter-Threat In Show of Force, US Bomber Trains Over S. Korea North Korea: B-52 flights an ‘unpardonable provocation’ North Korea threatens US Pacific bases over B-52 flights NK Cyber-Attack on SK?  [Israel also suspect] South Korean TV networks and banks suffer computer crashes after suspected cyber-attack from the North NIGHTWATCH North Korea: …

NIGHTWATCH: Cyprus Shows Three Threats – Fall of Government, Widespread Rioting, Spread of Rioting to Mainland Europe

Cyprus: Comment. International press outlets have provided detailed reporting on the so-called tax Cypriot leaders have proposed imposing on bank deposits to help pay for an international bailout. Cyprus is the fifth European Union country to request a bailout. The issues are complex and not relevant to this brief discussion. NightWatch sees three threats in …

Search (3): Analytic Models, 10 Threats, Threat Support to Acquisition

Ada Bozeman, in Strategic Intelligence and Statecraft: Selected Essays, has written: (There is a need) to recognize that just as the essence of knowledge is not as split up into academic disciplines as it is in our academic universe, so can intelligence not be set apart from statecraft and society, or subdivided into elements…such as …

Reference: DNI Global Threat Testimony 2013

2013-03-12 DNI to SSCI Threat Assessment HIGHLIGHTS: Recognizes how quickly and radically the world — and our threat environment — are changing. “This environment is demanding reevaluations of the way we do business, expanding our analytic envelope, and altering the vocabulary of intellignece.  Threats are more diverse, interconnected, and viral than at any other time …

NIGHTWATCH: North Korea Threatens War During Major US Exercise in South Korea Lasting to 30 April

North Korea:  NightWatch’s review of events since 1 January indicates that the North Koreans have been preparing this breakout since 2 February when Kim Jong Un began a series of meetings, starting with the Military Central Commission. NightWatch judges the actions are deliberately planned because of their breadth, coherence and consistency. The North’s depiction of …