Stephen E. Arnold: Google Continues to Capture and Pollute World of Knowledge

The Growth of Google’s Knowledge Graph The article titled How a Database of the World’s Knowledge Shapes Google’s Future on MIT Technology Review is an explanation of Google’s Knowledge Graph and the progress made in compiling information to feed into it. The Knowledge Graph began as a database built by Metaweb, which Google acquired in …

Berto Jongman: End of Net Neutrality? 1.3

INTERNET: animation about the end of net neutrality INTERNET: apocalypse? INTERNET: Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications on net neutrality INTERNET: goodbye net neutrality INTERNET: net neutrality endangered INTERNET: net neturality is not totally lost INTERNET: possible implications of ending net neutrality (Sorcha Faal)

Stephen E. Arnold: Free Pressures Fee Business Intelligence Bottom Feeders

Business Intelligence: Free Pressures For Fee Solutions I read “KB Crawl sort la tête de l’eau,” published by 01Business. The hook for the article is that KB Crawl, a company harvesting Internet content for business intelligence analyses, has emerged from bankruptcy. Good news for KB Crawl, whose parent company is reported to be KB Intelligence. …

Jean Lievens: What We Need in NextGen Social Network – The Next Web (Facebook Is For Grandparents)

Facebook is for grandparents: What we need in a next-gen social network By Jonathan Saragossi, Sunday, 24 Nov ’13 , 10:25pm It’s time to move on. The feeling is becoming more and more significant with each passing day and it just keeps spreading. It’s just not it any more… we want something new, exciting, which …