Event: 24-26 September 2010 in Louiseville, Kentucky Coffee Party First Convention and Constitutional Convention moderated by Lawrence Lessig

TUE 21 Sep NEW:  Detailed Schedule, Pretty Amazing, Click Here to Read Meet us in Louisville for the Great American Democracy Meetup and Coffee Party National Convention! We want to reset the national dialogue so that we can address the challenges that we face as fellow Americans instead of partisans in a spectator sport. We …

Journal: Incoherence of US Government Continues…

(COMMENT:  The drumbeat to screw retirees continues…) Tacoma News Tribune August 14, 2010 Pg. 14 Military Update Higher Health Premiums On Gates’ Cost-Cutting Agenda By Tom Philpott Defense Secretary Robert Gates has signaled that the department’s fiscal 2012 budget request to be sent to Congress early next year will include recommendations to raise TRICARE premiums …

Journal: Euro’s Crisis Has American Fingerprints

Posted on May 11, 2010 By William Pfaff The obituaries written of the European currency, the euro, have demonstrated divergences in national and cultural temperaments, the European funereal and laden with gloom about the future, but unyielding, and the American and British cheerfully and self-satisfiedly shoveling earth onto a casket of euros already six feet …