Jon Rappoport: CDC As Criminal Enterprise — Vaccines Cause Autism, CDC Represses Evidence and Lies to the Public

CDC vaccine whistleblower and the silence that kills Bombshell: CDC commits new vaccine-autism crime Phi Beta Iota: Both the CDC and the FDA represent the special interests busy looting the public treasury; in no way are they committed to public health or the public interest. See Also:  CDC @ Phi Beta Iota   .   FDA @ …

Sepp Hasslberger: Plumbing (Not Vaccines) Eradicated Disease

Basic hygiene… so why was it again that we needed vaccines? How Plumbing (Not Vaccines) Eradicated Disease EXTRACT This resistance to bathing was brought across the Atlantic to America, influencing habits all the way into the 1800s. In 1835, Philadelphia almost passed an ordinance forbidding wintertime bathing. Ten years later, Boston did outlaw bathing, except …

Jon Rappoport: Another Vaccine Whistleblower….

Boom: another vaccine whistleblower steps out of the shadows The new film Vaxxed highlights one whistleblower, researcher William Thompson, who publicly admitted he and his CDC colleagues lied, cheated, and committed gross fraud in exonerating the MMR vaccine and pretending it had no connection to autism. Now we have another: Dr. Peter Fletcher.

Sepp Hasslberger: Medical Establishment Seeks to Destroy Those Who Challenge Vaccine Safety — Courts Swinging in Favor of Challengers

Shaken Baby Syndrome is a medical diagnosis used to accuse parents of killing a baby by violently shaking it, because we know that “vaccines are safe” and cannot cause injury. It turns out the diagnosis is non-scientific, the injuries are not consistent with shaking. Neuropathologist Dr. Squier, who is blowing the whistle on this, is …

Sepp Hasslberger: Vaccine Researcher Dr. Andrew Wakefield (connected vaccines with autism) Vindicated, Sues British Medical Journal

Slowly grind the mills of justice …  It is now more than ten years ago that the vaccine establishment came after Andrew Wakefield and John Walker Smith and raked them over hot coals for saying that perhaps the MMR vaccine had something to do with the intestinal trouble many kids seemed to be having. The …

Sepp Hasslberger: UN & WHO Sterilizing Women in Kenya, Covertly, Via Tetanus Vaccines

Should vaccines be used for covert agendas of birth control? They are, apparently, in Kenya… “Mass sterilization”: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine According to LifeSiteNews, a Catholic publication, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association is charging UNICEF and WHO with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus vaccination …