Sepp Hasslberger: Vaccines Damage Adolescent Brains

Russell Blaylock says it like it is. You can prevent neurodegenerative disease, but you can’t do so following the “standard of care” of Western pharma-oriented medicine. Vaccines Damage Developing Brains EXTRACT I am convinced that the vaccine schedule interferes with this development. The results are antisocial behaviors, poor judgment, and learning difficulties. To learn more …

Sepp Hasslberger: Jon Rappoport on Vaccines, the Big Picture, and Why Total Offense to Take Back the Power is Required

Vaccines are part of a precise agenda. Jon Rappoport explains what that agenda is, and he concludes: “Understanding all these points should convince those who resist vaccination that playing defense, hoping for acknowledgment, and pleading for understanding are not enough. Going on the offense with great energy is required.” Globalism and the push for mandatory …

Antechinus: Science Sucks, Vaccines Scare, Parents Push Back

What if not all parents who question vaccines are foolish and anti-science? If you want to understand and reduce vaccination non-compliance you have to work to achieve a subtler understanding of parental decision-making, along with a recognition that ­public-health campaigns aren’t Pure Science but are influenced by politics and money (although maybe they shouldn’t be). …

Sepp Hasslberger: Death of Merck Vaccine … Begins

It’s about time for mandatory vaccines to be abolished everywhere. There are some first indications that the program is in deep trouble. The Mercky Truth About Mandatory Vaccine Legislation… Mandatory Vaccine Legislation, like California’s SB277, Is a Last Ditch Effort To Save a Totally Worthless Project – Vaccines, and Everything They Claim to Stand For…

Sepp Hasslberger: GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines Kill 14 Babies, Falsified Parental Approvals and More…

Is it time to call it quits on vaccines yet? GSK fined over vaccine trials; 14 babies reported dead GlaxoSmithKline Argentina Laboratories Company was fined 400,000 pesos by Judge Marcelo Aguinsky following a report issued by the National Administration of Medicine, Food and Technology (ANMAT in Spanish) for irregularities during lab vaccine trials conducted between …