2003 Pak (US) & Zdanowicz (US) An Estimate of 2001 Lost U.S. Federal Income Tax Revenues Due to Over-Invoiced Imports and Under-Priced Exports

Academics can be cool and useful. These two guys are worth over $50billion a year to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), but the U.S. Government does not seem to care about intelligence-driven revenue-collection. These guys ROCK and represent all that academics should be in the service of their country and theircommunity. Dr. Simon J. Pak …

Reference: Our Common Vision of the Information Society (UN/ITU)

Below are the headlines alone from the original document.  Click above to see the original online, and on the Frog below for a printable paginated document. A.  Our Common Vision of the Information Society B.  An Information Society for All: Key Principles B1.  The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs …

Reference: Geneva Plan of Action for a World Information Society (UN/ITU)

Too long to reproduce here, an original and almost priceless reference.  Click on logo for full text.  This is the original.  Since then Geneva has taken place, and plans are on for the next step.   Click on Frog at thebottom for a paginated easy-print clean document with all of the information. PLAN OF ACTION A.  …