Steven Aftergood: CRS on Modes of Constitutional Interpretation

MODES OF CONSTITUTIONAL INTERPRETATION The US Constitution leaves many basic questions of constitutional law unanswered, whether because they could not be anticipated or because the text is broadly worded or ambiguous. Consequently, “Interpretation is necessary to determine the meaning of ambiguous provisions of the Constitution or to answer fundamental questions left unaddressed by the drafters,” …

Penguin: Beware the Big Switch — You Will Be Assimilated…

Facebook, Google and Big Switch Networks to Demonstrate Open Source Collaboration with Next-Gen Network Operating Systems During OCP Summit Keynote Phi Beta Iota: Open Source without Individual Sovereignty is not truly open — more like a conspiracy to defraud the individual. Attend Kaliya’s conference in Mountain View 3-5 April 2018, Robert Steele will be present …

Berto Jongman: Trump & The Truth — Comment by Robert Steele

Trump and the Truth: A President Tests His Own Credibility Since Mr. Trump became a presidential candidate, PolitiFact has evaluated more than 500 assertions and found 69 percent of them mostly false, false or “pants on fire” false. By comparison, it judged 26 percent of the statements by Mr. Obama that it evaluated as false …