Barbara McNamara–Subversion from Within

Behind Closed Doors On 31 January 2011 Secrecy News returned to a subject that had been discussed earlier: the federal investigations of former NSA employee Thomas Drake for revealing classified information and of a former congressional intelligence committee staffer, Diane Roark, for assisting him. This latest article essentially quotes former NSA Deputy Director Barbara McNamara …

Richard Wright: MILITARY INTELLIGENCE: All Eyes No Brain Part II

The USAF claim that the tragic killing of 23 innocent Afghan civilians last February by one of its Predator UAVs was due to “information overload” reflects an appalling lack of critical thinking on the part of senior Air Force officers. General Mike Hayden (USAF ret.) when director of the NSA used regularly entertain the U.S. …

Journal: Defense Theatrics & One-Two Star Flag Agonizing?

Worth a look….coincides with what Chuck Spinney has been saying. Defense Budget Debate: SAME OLD GAME: JUST NEW PLAYERS January 13, 2011 Harry C. Blaney III Rethinking National Security (Center for International Policy) Among the first security issues of the year is the release of information about China’s military capabilities and the recent release of the …

Review: Why Leaders Lie–The Truth About Lying in International Politics

John J. Mearsheimer Cornerstone, Not the Whole Building January 2, 2011 By no stretch should this book be dismissed as a three. While I might normally have gone with a four, I am settling on five for balance and because the author not only covers an extraordinarily important topic in a sensible measured way, but …