Jean Lievens: Millennials and the “Sharing” Economy

A new generation of cash-strapped ‘millennials’ have very different expectations about jobs, credit and money. As Michelle Fleury reports, they are using the internet for a new ‘sharing economy’. The cash-strapped millennials using ‘sharing economy’ The ‘millennials’ are the generation that came of age after the 2008 financial crisis. Cash-strapped and internet-savvy, they have very …

Andrew Garfield: War and T/Error: The U.S. Counter-propaganda Failure in Iraq

Middle East Quarterly (Fall 2007) pp. 23-32. by Andrew Garfield Defeat of the insurgency and terrorism in Iraq requires not only a military approach but also a political component. Although the “surge” may stabilize parts of Iraq and reduce the level of violence while the additional troops remain in place, long-term stability requires a more …

Berto Jongman: Not Just the NSA: Data Brokers Amass Detailed Profiles on Everyone Online

This month, a strongly worded Washington Post op-ed by Federal Trade Commissioner Julie Brill calling for transparency in the business practices of the online data broker industry provoked a heated response. While the ACLU and other privacy advocates have long had their suspicions about how and why data brokers were tracking individuals, as the commissioner …

John Perry Barlow: Electronic Frontier Foundation Calls for New [Congressional] Church Committee to Probe NSA Violations of Constitution, Law, and Regulation

Three Illusory “Investigations” of the NSA Spying Are Unable to Succeed By Mark M. Jaycox Since the revelations of confirmed National Security Agency spying in June, three different “investigations” have been announced. One by the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB), another by the Director of National Intelligence, Gen. James Clapper, and the third …

Berto Jongman: Bill Quiglewy in Salon on 13 Things USG Trying to Hide from US Public

13 things the government is trying to hide from you Our government is intentionally keeping massive amounts of information secret from voters By Bill Quigley This article originally appeared on Alternet. “We believe most Americans would be stunned to learn the details of how these secret court opinions have interpreted…the Patriot Act.  As we see …

Review: The Media Ecosystem — What Ecology Can Teach Us About Responsible Media Practice

Antonio Lopez 5.0 out of 5 stars A unique and timely integrative overview with many original insights, August 22, 2013 I received this book as a gift, and am glad that I did as I normally would not have noticed it, bought it, or reviewed it. I hope my review will inspire others to buy …