Chuck Spinney: Col Pat Lang Provides Strategy on Syria — For Adults with Intelligence and Integrity…

Below at the close of this excellent opinion piece by Pat Lang is sensible prescription for shaping a schwerpunkt in so-called Global War on Terror or GWOT.  Lang cuts thru the Gordian Knot of inwardly focused contradictions that are overloading and paralyzing America’s grand strategy* in the Syrian Civil War and turning our country into …

Chuck Spinney: Global Warming as Scam Cover-Up Distracting from Massive Water Theft Now

Attached below this introduction is a very important report describing the problem of water depletion in Saudi Arabia and California.  This report is interesting and important, both for what it says and for what it does not say. Note that there is no mention of global warming or climate change, although some of the papers hot linked …

Eagle: FBI Mass Murder Database — Incomplete? Truth Teller on Sandy Hook and Aurora? Or Both?

In FBI murder data, mass killings often go missing When 26 teachers, students and administrators were shot to death at Sandy Hook Elementary School, it made national news for weeks. But there was one place 2012’s largest mass killing was never mentioned: the FBI database that tracks all U.S. homicides. And that isn’t the only …

Chuck Spinney: US-Iran Strategic Convergence?

Refugee Flows: a Grand Strategic Weapon of Mass Destruction by FRANKLIN SPINNEY, Counterpunch, SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 EXTRACT Pro-Israeli American neocons, who promoted the invasion of Iraq and the toppling of the Assad regime, may well think that Israel is the prime strategic beneficiary of the breakup of Iraq and Syria.  However, the reality is that …