Robert Steele: Solar Minimum, Food Crisis, Failure of Intelligence

Professor Valentina Zharkova: “We Entered the ‘Modern’ Grand Solar Minimum on June 8, 2020” Zharkova’s latest analysis suggests that a repeat of a Maunder Minimum-style spell of global cooling will run through solar cycles 25–27 (2020–2053). ROBERT STEELE: This is very important because in combination with all the other depradations against our food supply we …

Steven Vervaecke: Reviewer Calls Linux-based PinePhone ‘the Most Interesting Smartphone I’ve Tried in Years’

This is one amazing phone so it seems Reviewer Calls Linux-based PinePhone ‘the Most Interesting Smartphone I’ve Tried in Years’ This is what you get when you go completely open source. A magnificent piece of tech that is lightyears ahead of the mainstream. I knew about the tablet but this is also very very cool. …

Robert Steele: Legitimate Grievances, Scattered Protests — From Sedition to Reform?

The Main Street Manifesto Nouriel Roubini A vast underclass of increasingly indebted, socially immobile Americans – African-Americans, Latinos, and, increasingly, whites – is revolting against a system that has failed it. This phenomenon is not limited to the US, of course. In 2019 alone, massive demonstrations rocked Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, France, Hong Kong, India, Iran, …