Review: The Conservative Sensibility by George F. Will – Handbook for an American Renaissance

7 Stars – Handbook for an American Renaissance – Life Transformative Robert David Steele This book is a masterwork, a capstone work for the author, for his time, for the Republic, and for We the People who have lost our Republic. Of the over 2,500 books I have reviewed, 10% of which have received a …

Scott Bennet: Second American Civil War?

 36 minutes on the violent religion of political correctness; the intellectual retardation of academia and the mainstream media, combined with the intolerant fascism of social media, fake news, and liberal (“anything goes”) ideology.

Robert Steele: What Would a Full Disclosure Government Look Like? Bill and Robert’s Excellent Adventure (Preview) CLOSED

CLOSED – Superceeded by: Robert Steele: If I Were President ANSWERS: Robert Steele for Dimensions of Disclosure Conference – 68 Questions from #Borg to Zionism versus Judaism 2008 Candidates on the Issues ELECTION 2008 – Lipstick on the Pig (Full Text Online for Google Translate) Binney for DD 2019 Original Call For Questions Below the …

Review: Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told by David Icke

SUMMARY REVIEW David Icke, Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told (David Icke Books, 2018). 750 pages. 6 Star: Measured Revelation on the War Between Humanity and the Satanic Deep State Reviewed by Robert David Steele There are three kinds of holistic thinking: secular, ecological, and cosmic. With the exception of David …

Zero Hedge: Satantic Temple Embraced by Left, Satan Against Trump — This Is A Fight Trump Can Win!

‘The Satanic Temple’ Has Evolved Into An Anti-Trump Movement, And Leftists Are Flocking To It The Satanic Temple is the perfect religion for progressives.  You can believe anything you want, as long as you hate what Donald Trump, Christians and conservatives believe.  Unlike the Church of Satan, the Satanic Temple doesn’t even believe in a …