Marcus Aurelius: DoD Tries to Rip 3/4 Billion Out of Health Care – Panetta Caught and Challenged by Congress on Integrity & Intelligence

Looks like Congress has caught DoD in a credibility and integrity breach: For years, DoD — including the Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Service Chiefs, have been crying poormouth on military health care and trying to use military beneficiaries as cash cows to fund what should be 100% taxpayer-funded, …

Mati Nissani: Strategic Lessons from the Rand Paul Fiasco

Strategic Lessons from the Rand Paul Fiasco “Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement.”—Lenin  …by  Moti Nissani, Ph.D. Prof. Emeritus, Wayne State University Rand Paul Summary: For many years, the liberty movement’s aspirations and actions have been focused on the presidential candidacy of Congressman Ron Paul. In Early June, this strategy backfired, following …

Chuck Spinney: Progressives Argue Over Defeating Obama – a Conversation on Email

Most of my liberal friends reluctantly support President Obama’s re-election, because the alternative is so much worse.  Invariably, they invoke the effects of a Romney presidency on judicial appointments, especially those to the Supreme Court (ironically, Obama’s two appointees just voted with the majority to decline to hear the Guantanamo case, if effect, putting another …

David Isenberg: SPIEGEL – The President of Disappointments

Worth reading. SPIEGEL 06/14/2012 05:49 PM The President of Disappointments How Obama Has Failed to Deliver By Ullrich Fichtner, Marc Hujer and Gregor Peter Schmitz Barack Obama entered the White House as a savior. But he hasn’t delivered. The ideological chasms in the US are as deep as they have ever been, with Republicans blocking the …

2012 Robert Steele at Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE)

Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) 9 Home Page Friday Plenary Presentation: Testing the Two-Party Tyranny and Open Source Everything: The Battle for the Soul of the Republic Day/Time: Friday, July 13, 2012 – 1200 Location: Sassaman (18th floor) Steele 1.3 Two-Party Tyranny & Battle for the Soul of the Republic Robert David Steele, opening speaker …

Owl: Obama Will Free Traitor Pollard – The Only Question is How Big a Bribe It Will Take – Billions?

Why Obama Will Free Jonathan Pollard President accepts Israel infallibility doctrine  by Grant Smith, June 09, 2012 The US Department of Justice has released new files about convicted spy Jonathan Pollard’s bid for presidential clemency.  Pollard was sentenced to life in prison in 1987 after passing more than a million highly classified documents to Israel while …