Penguin: DEAR AMERICA You Should Be Mad As Hell About This [CHARTS]

DEAR AMERICA: You Should Be Mad As Hell About This [CHARTS] In November, Americans will have a chance to speak their minds. And there’s one thing everyone should agree on: America just isn’t working right now. It’s not just Americans who aren’t working. It’s America itself, a country whose economy once worked for almost everyone, …

Marcus Aurelius: For the Record – DoD Eats Entire US Government

The Amazing Expanding Pentagon After a decade of ‘mission creep’–into diplomacy, agriculture, even energy policy–the Department of Defense has become America’s default tool for dealing with the world. Where does this leave the next president? By Thanassis Cambanis Boston Globe, May 27, 2012 When President Obama and Mitt Romney cross swords on defense policy, it …

Event: 13-14 July NYC Robert Steele Live at Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE)

30 Minutes:  Robert Steele: How I Tested the Boundaries of the Two-Party Tyranny – Last Call for Occupy/* Not to be outdone by Jello Biafra, Robert Steele ran for President in 2012.  Accepted by the Reform Party as a candidate, he tested the boundaries for six weeks, created a world-class presidential platform, a coalition cabinet, …

Eagle: Worldwide Incumbents Facing the Wrath of Angry Voters BUT Voters Still Mired in False Left-Right (No Difference) Paradigm

Activist Post As angry citizens around the world are becoming aware of how broken the global economic and political systems are, their desperation for real change has resulted in dramatic shifts in political majorities in the Western world.In March of this year, voters in Australia miffed by Gilliard’s reversal on her pledge not to introduce …

Eagle: Temple Mormons By Definition, Cannot Swear an Oath to Uphold the Consitution — Prophet Ubber Alles

Romney: Why It’s OK to Stick It to Him for Being a Mormon Weekend Edition April 6-8, 2012 CounterPunch Diary by ALEXANDER COCKBURN Mitt Romney will be the Republican to face President Obama in the fall.  Tuesday night was the clincher, as the Mormon zealot won in Wisconsin, Maryland and Washington DC. He may stumble …