Neil Keenan: Ban Ki Moon Implodes – China & Japan Blow Him Off After Korea Slams Door on Asian Gold Option…

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | China Shoves, Keenan Pushes To Put An End To UN / NWO / Ban Ki-moon’s Foolishness Following his ejection from South Korea, Ban Ki-moon flew quickly to China for an an unofficial visit He arrived in China unannounced, desperately seeking a way to keep the NWO’s agenda alive.  He needed money …

Jon Rappoport: Cartels of the Mind – the Official Narratives Unravel…

Cartels of the Mind: a movie that never was “Dominoes of the collective begin to fall. The whole rotting structure begins to collapse, a wing here and a wing there, and the robots open their eyes and turn off their cameras.” If you can’t see the background of a crime, you aren’t seeing the crime, you’re …

Kevin Barrett: Is Orlando a False Flag? Update 16: KINDLE Up – 46 Page Chapter, 65 Anomalies

NEW SHORT URL: Orlando nightclub shooting: Yet another false flag? It sure walks, talks and quacks like one They’re calling it “the worst terror attack since 9/11.” A Muslim is being blamed for shooting up a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing more than fifty people. In the recently-published Another French False Flag, former …