Marcus Aurelius: CYBER School Modeled on RANGER School? But What Is Cyber?

Interesting concept, although I’m not sure how practical it is. Towards a Cyber Leader Course Modeled on Army Ranger School By Gregory Conti, Michael Weigand, Ed Skoudis, David Raymond, Thomas Cook and Todd Arnold Small Wars Journal  | Apr 18 2014 – 11:31am Since 1950, the U.S. Army Ranger School has garnered a well-earned reputation …

Ashraf Ghani on Reversing History (2008) with Clare Lockhart Plus 2014 News & Books & Preliminary PBI Call on Run-Off and BSA NOT Being Signed

Phi Beta Iota: Our preliminary view, pending some additional inquiries, is that Ghani will win the run-off quite easily (60-40 or better), and that he will NOT sign the Bi-Lateral Security Agreement (BSA). The roles of Abdullah and Barshadost remain to be defined. We have no doubt that everyone EXCEPT the Americans is deep into …

David Swanson: Do We Blame Sociopaths — or a Society Become Pathologically Dysfunctional?

Can We Really Blame Sociopaths? I’ve been hearing increasingly from multiple quarters that the root of our problems is psychopaths and sociopaths and other loosely defined but definitely different beings from ourselves.  Rob Kall has produced a quite interesting series of articles and interviews on the subject. I want to offer some words of caution …

Robert Steele: Why We Need a Defense Clandestine Service

SHORT URL: Commentary: Why We Need a Defense Clandestine Service DefenseNews, 3 March 2014 I was a CIA spy from 1979 to 1988, leaving when invited to be a co-creator of the Marine Corps Intelligence Center from 1988 to 1993. Since 1993, I have been one of the more persistent published proponents of intelligence …

Robert Steele: Repensando la Inteligencia Nacional – Siete falsas premisas

Robert David Steele Vivas : Es fundador de Open Source Solutions Network, Earth Intelligence Network y la Revista Journal of Public Intelligence. Steele, ex agente de la CIA, es reconocido mundialmente como pionero de la inteligencia colectiva, así como también, por ser el primero en denunciar que la CIA y los servicios de inteligencia norteamericanos …