Steve Aftergood: To Fix US Intelligence, Shrink It

TO FIX U.S. INTELLIGENCE, SHRINK IT? Criticism of U.S. intelligence takes many forms:  Intelligence agencies are too secretive, or they are too leaky.  They over-collect, or they under-perform.  Or all of these, and more besides. Many of the criticisms can be reduced to a single argument: The U.S. intelligence community has become too large to …

Chuck Spinney: Andrew Bacevich on David Brooks of the NYT “Always Wrong”

This superb piece by Andrew Bacevich (Colonel US Army Ret.) is one the best portraits of what is wrong with self-important warmongering commentariat in the mainstream media: Track records count for nothing in the cozy salons of Versailles on the Potomac. SUNDAY, SEP 15, 2013 3:30 PM UTC David Brooks is constantly wrong Takes a …

Andrew Garfield: War and T/Error: The U.S. Counter-propaganda Failure in Iraq

Middle East Quarterly (Fall 2007) pp. 23-32. by Andrew Garfield Defeat of the insurgency and terrorism in Iraq requires not only a military approach but also a political component. Although the “surge” may stabilize parts of Iraq and reduce the level of violence while the additional troops remain in place, long-term stability requires a more …

Robin Good: Curators as Filter Feeders and Ecosystem Engineers – You Are What You Link To…

Back in 2003 visionary artist Anne-Marie Schleiner wrote an inspiring paper entitled “Fluidities and Oppositions among Curators, Filter Feeders and Future Artists” describing the future role of online curators as nature’s own filter feeders. Anne-Marie is clearly referring to curators to and filter feeder in art world, but her rightful intuitions are equivalently applicable to …

Berto Jongman: New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile + Cabal / Conspiracy Meta-RECAP

New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile Dr. Kevin Barrett PressTV, 13 July 2013 Recent studies by psychologists and social scientists in the US and UK suggest that contrary to mainstream media stereotypes, those labeled “conspiracy theorists” appear to be saner than those who accept the official versions of contested events. In short, …

Chuck Spinney: Insane Insider Threat Program in Context of Morally and Mentally Bankrupt US Intelligence System

Attached herewith is an essay I just wrote for Counterpunch. For you convenience  I have also attached a very important McClatchy report on the Orwellian Insider Threat Program being promoted by the Obama Administration. The lead co-author, Jonathan Landay, is one of the few mainstream reporters who has been onto the lunacy unleashed by 9-11 …