Journal: Europe is Reading…

NeoOpticon: the EU Security-Industrial Complex (Transnational Institute) As the title communicates. Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism Report Card (WMD Commission) Failing grade in isolation from all the more pressing threats (poverty, disease, environment). Al Qaeda Weapons of Mass Destruction Threat: Hype or Reality? (Harvard) More focus on the symptom instead of the problem (US …

Journal: Selected MILNET Headlines

Full-body scanner blind to bomb parts:  Todger, yes. Combustibles, no (The Register) U.S. enables Chinese hacking of Google (CNN Opinion Online) ‘Shadow Elite’: Information Is Power And Who’s Controlling Our  Information? (Huffington Post) Moslems Fighting Moslems Becomes Respectable (Strategy Figure) Gates Sees Fallout From Troubled Ties With Pakistan (New York Times) Al-Qaeda Has Trained Female …

Journal: China’s Africa footprint: makeover Algeria

Phi Beta Iota: For over a decade we’ve been tracking the Chinese as they “wage peace” across the Southern Hemisphere, and it is with growing frustration that we recognize that the U.S. Government is simply not paying attention to the real world.  See also:  Memorandum: Chinese Irregular Warfare; Journal: CINCPAC Slams IC on China; Review: …