Mini-Me: Afghan & US Flag Corruption on “‘Auschwitz-like’ Conditions at Hospital + Meta-RECAP

Huh? General’s Defence on Afghan Scandal Ducks Key Evidence WASHINGTON, Sep 13 2012 (IPS) – Lt. Gen. William B. Caldwell, the former commander of NATO’s training mission in Afghanistan, denied to a U.S. Congressional panel Wednesday that he had cited the impact on Congressional elections in opposing the timing of a request for an investigation …

Gordon Duff: Mind Control, Lef-Right Myth, Re-Connecting to Reality + Meta-RECAP

Mind Control and the “Left – Right” Paradigm Veterans Today, 4 Sep 2012 EXTRACT: Anyone with a realistic view would, as I have suggested before, vote in a powerful and charismatic leader, have the Supreme Court disbanded, disband congress, have a realistic constitution written, disband the Federal Reserve, fire 85% of our senior military, 50% …